Friday, March 1, 2013

Our Exciting News....

We feel so blessed and have seen another Miracle in our lives to be able to announce that I am expecting.  Baby #3 is due September 9th!  We are over joyed!

Now the whole story:
Last August I ended up having some strange symptoms and wondered if I might be pregnant- It was not in the plan just yet and then the symptoms were getting worse.  I felt nauseated, bloated, really tired and sick, and then a pain started on my left side and kept getting worse.  I talked to my Bishop who is an OB on base and we did a blood pregnancy test to rule out ectopic pregnancy and a urine test to rule out other things.  Everything came back negative, but the symptoms would not go away.  I did go see a family practice Dr. who I was not thrilled with and never did order an ultra sound- but, we did come to the conclusion that it was a cyst that had ruptured on my left ovary.  The pain did eventually go away.

Well, it happened again in October, than in November, and then in December.  Each time was on the left side and caused severe pain and nausea symptoms.  In December I went to the ER where they did an ultra sound and saw fluid around the left ovary and said that again another cyst had burst.  So the first week in January I ended up meeting with my Bishop as an OB and he concluded that this may be endometriosis and that the best way to cure it and help me get pregnant in the future would be surgery.  So we set up for laparoscopic surgery for January 15th.  I felt that it needed to be done, but worried about it since I would start school the week before.  I wondered how I would be able to do handle everything.  We did a lot of fasting and praying.
On January 7th, which is our 6 month wedding anniversary, the Bishop calls me and tells me he is cancelling the surgery.  I was confused and asked why.  He tells me they found something in my blood work and before I could really worry- he announces to me that I am pregnant!!!
I was scared and excited.  Not at all what I was expecting, but something both Brandt and I wanted.  We had planned that after being married for 6 months would be a good time.  And it fell right into place.
I called Brandt and he was stunned as well and wondered if he was allowed to be excited just yet.
I had many blood tests and a few ultra sounds and have been watched carefully and the baby is doing great!  
We are so excited!!

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